Class FixedForwardPipe

All Implemented Interfaces:
FrankElement, HasApplicationContext, HasName, HasTransactionAttribute, IConfigurable, IForwardTarget, IPipe, IScopeProvider, IWithParameters, NameAware, EventThrowing, org.springframework.beans.factory.Aware, org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware, org.springframework.context.Lifecycle
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractCollectorPipe, AbstractLdapQueryPipe, AbstractValidator, ApiPrincipalPipe, Base64Pipe, BytesOutputPipe, CompressPipe, CounterSwitchPipe, CredentialCheckingPipe, CrlPipe, CsvParserPipe, DataSonnetPipe, DelayPipe, DomainTransformerPipe, EchoPipe, EscapePipe, EtagHandlerPipe, FixedResultPipe, GetFromSession, GetPrincipalPipe, HashPipe, IncreaseIntegerPipe, IsUserInRolePipe, JsonPipe, JsonWellFormedChecker, JwtPipe, LogContextPipe, MessageSendingPipe, PasswordGeneratorPipe, PasswordHashPipe, PGPPipe, PutInSession, PutSystemDateInSession, RemoveCacheKeyPipe, RemoveFromSession, ReplacerPipe, SignaturePipe, SizePipe, SkipPipe, SoapWrapperPipe, StreamPipe, Text2XmlPipe, TextSplitterPipe, TimeoutGuardPipe, UnzipPipe, UUIDGeneratorPipe, WsdlGeneratorPipe, XmlWellFormedChecker, XQueryPipe, XsltPipe

@Forward(name="success", description="successful processing of the message of the pipe") public abstract class FixedForwardPipe extends AbstractPipe
Provides a base-class for a Pipe that always has the same forward. Ancestor classes should call super.configure() in their configure()-methods.
Gerrit van Brakel
  • Constructor Details

    • FixedForwardPipe

      public FixedForwardPipe()
  • Method Details

    • configure

      public void configure() throws ConfigurationException
      checks for correct configuration of forward
      Specified by:
      configure in interface IConfigurable
      configure in class AbstractPipe
      ConfigurationException - in case it was not able to configure the component.
    • skipPipe

      public boolean skipPipe(Message input, PipeLineSession session) throws PipeRunException
      called by InputOutputPipeProcessor to check if the pipe needs to be skipped.
    • getParameterValue

      @Nullable protected String getParameterValue(@Nonnull ParameterValueList pvl, String parameterName)
    • setSkipOnEmptyInput

      public void setSkipOnEmptyInput(boolean b)
      If set, the processing continues directly at the forward of this pipe, without executing the pipe itself, if the input is empty
      Default value
    • setIfParam

      public void setIfParam(String string)
      If set, this pipe is only executed when the value of parameter with name ifParam equals ifValue (otherwise this pipe is skipped)
    • setIfValue

      public void setIfValue(String string)
      See ifParam
    • setOnlyIfSessionKey

      public void setOnlyIfSessionKey(String onlyIfSessionKey)
      Key of session variable to check if action must be executed. The pipe is only executed if the session variable exists and is not null
    • setOnlyIfValue

      public void setOnlyIfValue(String onlyIfValue)
      Value of session variable 'onlyIfSessionKey' to check if action must be executed. The pipe is only executed if the session variable has the specified value
    • setUnlessSessionKey

      public void setUnlessSessionKey(String unlessSessionKey)
      Key of session variable to check if action must be executed. The pipe is not executed if the session variable exists and is not null
    • setUnlessValue

      public void setUnlessValue(String unlessValue)
      Value of session variable 'unlessSessionKey' to check if action must be executed. The pipe is not executed if the session variable has the specified value
    • getSuccessForward

      public PipeForward getSuccessForward()
    • isSkipOnEmptyInput

      public boolean isSkipOnEmptyInput()
    • getIfParam

      public String getIfParam()
    • getIfValue

      public String getIfValue()
    • getOnlyIfSessionKey

      public String getOnlyIfSessionKey()
    • getOnlyIfValue

      public String getOnlyIfValue()
    • getUnlessSessionKey

      public String getUnlessSessionKey()
    • getUnlessValue

      public String getUnlessValue()