Class IsUserInRolePipe

All Implemented Interfaces:
FrankElement, HasApplicationContext, HasName, HasTransactionAttribute, IConfigurable, IForwardTarget, IPipe, IScopeProvider, IWithParameters, NameAware, EventThrowing, org.springframework.beans.factory.Aware, org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware, org.springframework.context.Lifecycle

@Forward(name="notInRole",description="user does not have the required role") @Forward(name="*",description="the first matched role which the user has") @Category(ADVANCED) @EnterpriseIntegrationPattern(ROUTER) public class IsUserInRolePipe extends FixedForwardPipe
Pipe that checks if the calling user has a specified role. Uses the PipeLineSessions methods.

If the role is not specified by the role attribute, the input of the pipe is used as role.

N.B. The role itself must be specified by hand in the deployment descriptors web.xml and application.xml.

Gerrit van Brakel
  • Field Details

    • notInRoleForward

      protected PipeForward notInRoleForward
  • Constructor Details

    • IsUserInRolePipe

      public IsUserInRolePipe()
  • Method Details