Class LdapFindMemberPipe

All Implemented Interfaces:
HasTransactionAttribute, IConfigurable, IConfigurationAware, IForwardTarget, INamedObject, IPipe, IScopeProvider, IWithParameters, EventThrowing, HasStatistics, org.springframework.beans.factory.Aware, org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware

public class LdapFindMemberPipe extends LdapQueryPipeBase
Pipe that checks if a specified dn exists as 'member' in another specified dn in LDAP.
Peter Leeuwenburgh
  • Constructor Details

    • LdapFindMemberPipe

      public LdapFindMemberPipe()
  • Method Details

    • doPipeWithException

      public PipeRunResult doPipeWithException(Message message, PipeLineSession session) throws PipeRunException
      Specified by:
      doPipeWithException in class LdapQueryPipeBase
    • findMember

      protected boolean findMember(String host, int port, String dnSearchIn, boolean useSsl, String dnFind, boolean recursiveSearch) throws NamingException
    • setDnSearchIn

      public void setDnSearchIn(String string)
      The dn of the group to search in when the parameter dnSearchIn is not set
    • getDnSearchIn

      public String getDnSearchIn()
    • setDnFind

      public void setDnFind(String string)
      The dn of the member to search for when the parameter dnFind is not set
    • getDnFind

      public String getDnFind()
    • setRecursiveSearch

      public void setRecursiveSearch(boolean b)
      when true, the member attribute is also searched in all the found members
      Default value
    • isRecursiveSearch

      public boolean isRecursiveSearch()