Package org.frankframework.ldap
package org.frankframework.ldap
ClassDescriptionBase pipe for querying LDAP.AbstractObjectCallback<O,
K, V> Callback<K,V> Client for LDAP.
consider setting the following properties:
- java.naming.provider.url
- com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.pool
- java.naming.referral = follow
- nl.nn.iuf.LdapClient.groupAttributeCache.timeToLive
Connection Pooling:
To set connection pool properties that are set as custom properties, create a properties file named with the attributes and place in the classpath.Pipe that returns the memberships of a userDN.Pipe that checks if a specified dn exists as 'member' in another specified dn in LDAP.Sender to obtain information from and write to an LDAP Directory.