Package org.frankframework.util
package org.frankframework.util
ClassDescriptionSingleton class that has the constant values for this application.Starts the singleton Cleaner thread of F!SAX2 event handler to compact XML messages.Provides user-id and password from the WebSphere authentication-alias repository.Transforms a java.sql.Resultset to a XML stream.List the contents of a directory as XML.Cleans up a directory.Reader that encapsulates a file within a prefix and a postfix.Compares filenames, so directory listings appear in a kind of natural order.Utilities for batch file handling.Database-oriented utility functions.Utility functions for JTALocker of scheduler jobs and pipes.Log4j can now be started from any LogManager.getLogger() callKeeps a list of
s.A message for the MessageKeeper.Miscellaneous conversion functions.PBKDF2 salted password hashing.Utility class to report process parameters like memory usage as an xml-element.Process execution utilities.Iterator that iterates over all lines in a Reader.Restore moved elements from pipelineSession.Enumeration of states for ManagableLifecycleInterface to support enquiries about the run state.Interface to support enquiries about the run state.Utility class to support run-state management.Base class for items of global lists.Stores a maximum number of elements in a Vector.Generic Transformer ErrorListener.Pool of transformers.Implementation of a FilenameFilter to support wildcards.Builds an XML-element with attributes and sub-elements.Exception class for errors during XML processingSome utilities for working with XML.