Class FixedResultSender

All Implemented Interfaces:
FrankElement, HasApplicationContext, HasName, IConfigurable, IScopeProvider, ISender, ISenderWithParameters, IWithParameters, NameAware, org.springframework.beans.factory.Aware, org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware, org.springframework.context.Lifecycle

@Category(BASIC) public class FixedResultSender extends AbstractSenderWithParameters
FixedResultSender, same behaviour as FixedResultPipe, but now as a ISender.
Gerrit van Brakel
Any parameters defined on the sender will be used for replacements. Each occurrence of ${name-of-parameter} in the file fileName will be replaced by its corresponding value-of-parameter. This works only with files, not with values supplied in attribute returnString.
  • Constructor Details

    • FixedResultSender

      public FixedResultSender()
  • Method Details

    • configure

      public void configure() throws ConfigurationException
      Description copied from interface: IConfigurable
      Configure this component.

      configure() is called once at startup of the framework in the configure method of the owner of this IConfigurable. Purpose of this method is to check whether the static configuration of the object is correct. As much as possible class-instantiating should take place in the configure(), to improve performance.

      In the case of a container, this will propagate the configure signal to all components that apply.

      Specified by:
      configure in interface IConfigurable
      configure in class AbstractSenderWithParameters
      ConfigurationException - in case it was not able to configure the component.
    • sendMessage

      @Nonnull public SenderResult sendMessage(@Nonnull Message message, @Nonnull PipeLineSession session) throws SenderException, TimeoutException
      Description copied from interface: ISender
      Send a message to some destination (as configured in the Sender object). This method may only be called after the configure() method is called.

      The following table shows the difference between synchronous and a-synchronous senders:

      ISender.isSynchronous() returnstruefalse
      return value of sendMessage() isthe reply-messagethe messageId of the message sent
      the correlationID specified with sendMessage()may be ignoredis sent with the message
      a {link TimeOutException}may be thrown if a timeout occurs waiting for a replyshould not be expected

      Multiple objects may try to call this method at the same time, from different threads. Implementations of this method should therefore be thread-safe, or synchronized.

    • isSynchronous

      public boolean isSynchronous()
      Description copied from interface: ISender
      When true, the result of sendMessage is the reply of the request.
    • setSubstituteVars

      public void setSubstituteVars(boolean substitute)
      should values between ${ and } be resolved from the pipelinesession
      Default value
    • setFilename

      public void setFilename(String filename)
      Name of the file containing the result message
    • setReturnString

      public void setReturnString(String returnString)
      returned message
    • setReplaceFrom

      public void setReplaceFrom(String replaceFrom)
    • setReplaceTo

      public void setReplaceTo(String replaceTo)
    • setStyleSheetName

      public void setStyleSheetName(String styleSheetName)
    • getFilename

      public String getFilename()
    • getReturnString

      public String getReturnString()
    • isSubstituteVars

      public boolean isSubstituteVars()
    • getReplaceFrom

      public String getReplaceFrom()
    • getReplaceTo

      public String getReplaceTo()
    • getStyleSheetName

      public String getStyleSheetName()