Class XsltSender

All Implemented Interfaces:
FrankElement, HasApplicationContext, HasName, IConfigurable, IScopeProvider, ISender, ISenderWithParameters, IWithParameters, NameAware, org.springframework.beans.factory.Aware, org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware, org.springframework.context.Lifecycle
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class XsltSender extends AbstractSenderWithParameters
Perform an XSLT transformation with a specified stylesheet or XPath-expression.
Gerrit van Brakel
any parameters defined on the sender will be applied to the created transformer
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • XsltSender

      public XsltSender()
  • Method Details

    • configure

      public void configure() throws ConfigurationException
      The configure() method instantiates a transformer for the specified XSL. If the stylesheetName cannot be accessed, a ConfigurationException is thrown.
      Specified by:
      configure in interface IConfigurable
      configure in class AbstractSenderWithParameters
      ConfigurationException - in case it was not able to configure the component.
    • start

      public void start()
      Description copied from interface: ISender
      This method will be called to start the sender. After this method is called the sendMessage method may be called. Purpose of this method is to reduce creating connections to databases etc. in the sendMessage() method.
      Specified by:
      start in interface ISender
      Specified by:
      start in interface org.springframework.context.Lifecycle
      start in class AbstractSender
    • stop

      public void stop()
      Description copied from interface: ISender
      Stop/close the sender and deallocate resources.
      Specified by:
      stop in interface ISender
      Specified by:
      stop in interface org.springframework.context.Lifecycle
      stop in class AbstractSender
    • filterInput

      protected ContentHandler filterInput(ContentHandler input, PipeLineSession session)
    • isDisableOutputEscaping

      protected boolean isDisableOutputEscaping(TransformerPool poolToUse) throws TransformerException, IOException
    • getTransformerPoolToUse

      protected TransformerPool getTransformerPoolToUse(PipeLineSession session) throws SenderException, ConfigurationException
    • createHandler

      protected ContentHandler createHandler(Message input, PipeLineSession session, TransformerPool poolToUse, ContentHandler handler, MessageBuilder messageBuilder) throws TransformerException
    • getXmlReader

      protected XMLReader getXmlReader(PipeLineSession session, ContentHandler handler) throws ParserConfigurationException, SAXException
    • sendMessage

      @Nonnull public SenderResult sendMessage(@Nonnull Message message, @Nonnull PipeLineSession session) throws SenderException
      alternative implementation of send message, that should do the same as the original, but reuses the streaming content handler
    • setStyleSheetName

      public void setStyleSheetName(String stylesheetName)
      Location of stylesheet to apply to the input message
    • setStyleSheetNameSessionKey

      public void setStyleSheetNameSessionKey(String newSessionKey)
      Session key to retrieve stylesheet location. Overrides stylesheetName or xpathExpression attribute
    • setStyleSheetCacheSize

      public void setStyleSheetCacheSize(int size)
      Size of cache of stylesheets retrieved from styleSheetNameSessionKey
      Default value
    • setXpathExpression

      public void setXpathExpression(String string)
      Alternatively: XPath-expression to create stylesheet from
    • setOmitXmlDeclaration

      public void setOmitXmlDeclaration(Boolean b)
      Omit the XML declaration on top of the output. If not set, the value specified in the stylesheet is followed
      Default value
      false, if not set in stylesheet
    • setDisableOutputEscaping

      public void setDisableOutputEscaping(Boolean b)
      If set true, any output is reparsed before being handled as XML again. If not set, the stylesheet is searched for @disable-output-escaping='yes' and the value is set accordingly
      Default value
      false, if not set in stylesheet
    • setNamespaceDefs

      public void setNamespaceDefs(String namespaceDefs)
      Namespace defintions for xpathExpression. Must be in the form of a comma or space separated list of prefix=namespaceuri-definitions. For some other use cases (NOT xpathExpression), one entry can be without a prefix, that will define the default namespace. If left empty, an the xpathExpression will match any namespace
    • setOutputType

      public void setOutputType(TransformerPool.OutputType string)
      For xpathExpression only
      Default value
    • setIndentXml

      public void setIndentXml(Boolean b)
      If set true, result is pretty-printed. If not set, the value specified in the stylesheet is followed
      Default value
      false, if not set in stylesheet
    • setRemoveNamespaces

      public void setRemoveNamespaces(boolean b)
      If set true namespaces (and prefixes) in the input message are removed before transformation
      Default value
    • setHandleLexicalEvents

      public void setHandleLexicalEvents(boolean b)
      If set true, the transformer is enabled to handle lexical events, allowing it for example to process comments and to distinghuish CDATA from escaped text. Beware that this option can cause spurious NullPointerExceptions due to a race condition in streaming XSLT 1.0 processing in Xalan 2.7.2
      Default value
    • setSkipEmptyTags

      public void setSkipEmptyTags(boolean b)
      If set true empty tags in the output are removed after transformation
      Default value
    • setXsltVersion

      public void setXsltVersion(int xsltVersion)
      If set to 2 or 3 a Saxon (net.sf.saxon) xslt processor 2.0 or 3.0 respectively will be used, otherwise xslt processor 1.0 (org.apache.xalan). 0 will auto-detect
      Default value
    • setDebugInput

      public void setDebugInput(boolean debugInput)
      If set true the input is written to the log file, at DEBUG level
      Default value
    • getStyleSheetName

      public String getStyleSheetName()
    • getStyleSheetNameSessionKey

      public String getStyleSheetNameSessionKey()
    • getXpathExpression

      public String getXpathExpression()
    • getNamespaceDefs

      public String getNamespaceDefs()
    • getOutputType

      public TransformerPool.OutputType getOutputType()
    • getOmitXmlDeclaration

      public Boolean getOmitXmlDeclaration()
    • getIndentXml

      public Boolean getIndentXml()
    • getDisableOutputEscaping

      public Boolean getDisableOutputEscaping()
    • isHandleLexicalEvents

      public boolean isHandleLexicalEvents()
    • isRemoveNamespaces

      public boolean isRemoveNamespaces()
    • isSkipEmptyTags

      public boolean isSkipEmptyTags()
    • getXsltVersion

      public int getXsltVersion()
    • isDebugInput

      public boolean isDebugInput()