Class DelaySender

All Implemented Interfaces:
FrankElement, HasApplicationContext, HasName, IConfigurable, IScopeProvider, ISender, NameAware, org.springframework.beans.factory.Aware, org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware, org.springframework.context.Lifecycle

@Category(ADVANCED) public class DelaySender extends AbstractSender
Sender that sleeps for a specified time, which defaults to 5000 msecs. Useful for testing purposes.
Gerrit van Brakel
  • Constructor Details

    • DelaySender

      public DelaySender()
  • Method Details

    • sendMessage

      @Nonnull public SenderResult sendMessage(@Nonnull Message message, @Nonnull PipeLineSession session) throws SenderException, TimeoutException
      Description copied from interface: ISender
      Send a message to some destination (as configured in the Sender object). This method may only be called after the configure() method is called.

      The following table shows the difference between synchronous and a-synchronous senders:

      ISender.isSynchronous() returnstruefalse
      return value of sendMessage() isthe reply-messagethe messageId of the message sent
      the correlationID specified with sendMessage()may be ignoredis sent with the message
      a {link TimeOutException}may be thrown if a timeout occurs waiting for a replyshould not be expected

      Multiple objects may try to call this method at the same time, from different threads. Implementations of this method should therefore be thread-safe, or synchronized.

    • setDelayTime

      public void setDelayTime(long l)
      The time in milliseconds the thread will be put to sleep
      Default value
      5000 [ms]
    • getDelayTime

      public long getDelayTime()