Class JmsListener
- All Implemented Interfaces:
Since version 4.1, Ibis supports distributed transactions using the XA-protocol. This feature is controlled by the
attribute. If this is set to true
, received messages are
committed or rolled back, possibly together with other actions, by the receiver or the pipeline.
In case of a failure, all actions within the transaction are rolled back.
Using jmsTransacted and acknowledgement
If jmsTransacted is set true
: it should ensure that a message is received and processed on a both or nothing basis.
IBIS will commit the the message, otherwise perform rollback. However using jmsTransacted, IBIS does not bring transactions within
the adapters under transaction control, compromising the idea of atomic transactions. In the roll-back situation messages sent to
other destinations within the Pipeline are NOT rolled back if jmsTransacted is set true
! In the failure situation the
message is therefore completely processed, and the roll back does not mean that the processing is rolled back! To obtain the correct
(transactional) behaviour, transacted
should be used instead of listener.transacted
Setting listener.acknowledgeMode
to "auto" means that messages are allways acknowledged (removed from
the queue, regardless of what the status of the Adapter is. "client" means that the message will only be removed from the queue
when the state of the Adapter equals the success state for committing.
The "dups" mode instructs the session to lazily acknowledge the delivery of the messages. This is likely to result in the
delivery of duplicate messages if JMS fails. It should be used by consumers who are tolerant in processing duplicate messages.
In cases where the client is tolerant of duplicate messages, some enhancement in performance can be achieved using this mode,
since a session has lower overhead in trying to prevent duplicate messages.
The setting for listener.acknowledgeMode
will only be processed if
the setting for listener.transacted
as well as for
is false.
If useReplyTo
is set and a replyTo-destination is
specified in the message, the JmsListener sends the result of the processing
in the pipeline to this destination. Otherwise the result is sent using the (optionally)
specified, that in turn sends the message to
whatever it is configured to.
You can add parameters to the JmsListener, the values will be added as Headers to the JMS response message.
Notice: the JmsListener is ONLY capable of processing
s and BytesMessage
- Since:
- 4.0.1, since 4.8 as 'switch'-class
- Author:
- Gerrit van Brakel
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.frankframework.jms.JMSFacade
JMSFacade.AcknowledgeMode, JMSFacade.DeliveryMode, JMSFacade.DestinationType, JMSFacade.MessageClass, JMSFacade.SubscriberType
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.frankframework.jms.JMSFacade
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class org.frankframework.jms.PushingJmsListener
configure, decreaseThreadCount, getCacheMode, getCurrentThreadCount, getDeliveryCount, getExceptionListener, getHandler, getJmsConnector, getMaxThreadCount, getPollGuardInterval, getReceiver, increaseThreadCount, isThreadCountControllable, isThreadCountReadable, setCacheMode, setDestinationName, setExceptionListener, setHandler, setJmsConnector, setPollGuardInterval, setReceiver, start, stop, wrapRawMessage
Methods inherited from class org.frankframework.jms.AbstractJmsListener
addParameter, afterMessageProcessed, extractMessage, extractMessageProperties, getForceMessageIdAsCorrelationId, getMessageProperties, getParameterList, getReplyDeliveryMode, getReplyDestinationName, getReplyEncodingStyleURI, getReplyMessageTimeToLive, getReplyMessageType, getReplyNamespaceURI, getReplyPriority, getReplySoapAction, getSender, getSoapHeaderSessionKey, getTimeout, isSoap, isUseReplyTo, messageWillBeRedeliveredOnExitStateError, prepareReply, prepareReply, sendReply, setForceMessageIdAsCorrelationId, setReplyDeliveryMode, setReplyDestinationName, setReplyEncodingStyleURI, setReplyMessageTimeToLive, setReplyMessageType, setReplyNamespaceURI, setReplyPriority, setReplySoapAction, setSender, setSoap, setSoapHeaderSessionKey, setTimeout, setUseReplyTo
Methods inherited from class org.frankframework.jms.JMSFacade
checkTransactionManagerValidity, closeSession, createBytesMessage, createMessage, createMessage, createSession, createTextMessage, extractMessage, extractMessageBody, getAcknowledgeMode, getAuthAlias, getConnectionFactoryFactory, getConnectionFactoryInfo, getConnectionFactoryName, getContext, getCorrelationIdMaxLength, getCorrelationIdToHexPrefix, getDestination, getDestination, getDestinationName, getDestinationType, getDomain, getJmsMessagingSource, getLogPrefix, getMessageClass, getMessageConsumer, getMessageConsumer, getMessageConsumerForCorrelationId, getMessageProducer, getMessageSelector, getMessageTimeToLive, getMessagingSource, getMessagingSourceFactory, getPhysicalDestinationName, getPhysicalDestinationShortName, getPhysicalDestinationShortName, getProxiedDestinationNames, getQueueConnectionFactoryName, getSubscriberType, getTopicConnectionFactoryName, getTxManager, isCorrelationIdToHex, isJmsTransacted, isLookupDestination, isPersistent, isRunning, isSessionsArePooled, isTransacted, isUseTopicFunctions, logMessageDetails, send, send, send, send, send, send, send, sendByQueue, sendByTopic, setAcknowledgeMode, setAuthAlias, setConnectionFactoryFactory, setCorrelationIdMaxLength, setCorrelationIdToHex, setCorrelationIdToHexPrefix, setDestinationType, setJmsTransacted, setLookupDestination, setMessageClass, setMessageCorrelationID, setMessageSelector, setMessageTimeToLive, setPersistent, setProxiedDestinationNames, setQueueConnectionFactoryName, setSubscriberType, setTopicConnectionFactoryName, setTransacted, setTxManager, toString
Methods inherited from class org.frankframework.jndi.JndiBase
getApplicationContext, getAuthentication, getConfigurationClassLoader, getContext, getCredentials, getInitialContextFactoryName, getJmsRealmName, getJndiAuthAlias, getJndiContextPrefix, getJndiEnv, getJndiProperties, getName, getPrincipal, getProviderURL, getSecurityProtocol, getUrlPkgPrefixes, setApplicationContext, setAuthentication, setCredentials, setInitialContextFactoryName, setJmsRealm, setJndiAuthAlias, setJndiContextPrefix, setJndiProperties, setName, setPrincipal, setProviderURL, setSecurityProtocol, setUrlPkgPrefixes
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware
Methods inherited from interface org.frankframework.core.HasApplicationContext
getApplicationContext, getConfigurationClassLoader
Methods inherited from interface org.frankframework.core.IListener
afterMessageProcessed, extractMessage
Methods inherited from interface org.frankframework.core.IPortConnectedListener
Constructor Details
public JmsListener()