Class JdbcTransactionalStorage<S extends Serializable>

All Implemented Interfaces:
HasPhysicalDestination, IConfigurable, IConfigurationAware, IMessageBrowser<S>, INamedObject, IScopeProvider, ITransactionalStorage<S>, IXAEnabled, org.springframework.beans.factory.Aware, org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware
Direct Known Subclasses:
DummyTransactionalStorage, MessageStoreSender

public class JdbcTransactionalStorage<S extends Serializable> extends JdbcTableMessageBrowser<S> implements ITransactionalStorage<S>
Implements a message log (JdbcMessageLog) or error store (JdbcErrorStorage) that uses database table IBISSTORE. A MessageStoreSender and MessageStoreListener pair implicitly includes a message log and an error store. If you have a MessageStoreSender and MessageStoreListener pair it is superfluous to add a JdbcMessageLog or JdbcErrorStorage within the same sender pipe or the same receiver.

Message log: A message log writes messages in persistent storage for logging purposes. When a message log appears in a receiver, it also ensures that the same message is only processed once, even if a related pushing listener receives the same message multiple times.

Error store: Appears in a receiver or sender pipe to store messages that could not be processed. Storing a message in the error store is the last resort of the Frank!Framework. Many types of listeners and senders offer a retry mechanism. Only if several tries have failed, then an optional transaction is not rolled back and the message is stored in the error store. Users can retry messages in an error store using the Frank!Console. When this is done, the message is processed in the same way as messages received from the original source.

How does a message log or error store see duplicate messages? The message log or error store always appears in combination with a sender or listener. This sender or listener determines a key based on the sent or received message. Messages with the same key are considered to be the same.

Storage structure is defined in /IAF_util/IAF_DatabaseChangelog.xml. If these database objects do not exist, the Frank!Framework will try to create them.

N.B. Note on using XA transactions: If transactions are used on Oracle, make sure that the database user can access the table SYS.DBA_PENDING_TRANSACTIONS. If not, transactions present when the server goes down cannot be properly recovered, resulting in exceptions like:
   The error code was XAER_RMERR. The exception stack trace follows: javax.transaction.xa.XAException
        at oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource.recover(
Gerrit van Brakel, Jaco de Groot
  • Field Details


      protected static final int MAXIDLEN
      See Also:

      protected static final int MAXCIDLEN
      See Also:

      protected static final int MAXLABELLEN
      See Also:
    • insertQuery

      protected String insertQuery
    • selectKeyForMessageQuery

      protected String selectKeyForMessageQuery
    • txManager

      protected org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager txManager
  • Constructor Details

    • JdbcTransactionalStorage

      public JdbcTransactionalStorage()
  • Method Details

    • getLogPrefix

      protected String getLogPrefix()
      getLogPrefix in class JdbcMessageBrowser<S extends Serializable>
    • setOperationControls

      protected void setOperationControls()
      setOperationControls in class JdbcTableMessageBrowser<S extends Serializable>
    • configure

      public void configure() throws ConfigurationException
      Creates a connection, checks if the table is existing and creates it when necessary
      Specified by:
      configure in interface IConfigurable
      Specified by:
      configure in interface ITransactionalStorage<S extends Serializable>
      configure in class JdbcTableMessageBrowser<S extends Serializable>
    • open

      public void open() throws SenderException
      Description copied from interface: ITransactionalStorage
      Prepares the object for operation. After this method is called the storeMessage() and retrieveMessage() methods may be called
      Specified by:
      open in interface ITransactionalStorage<S extends Serializable>
    • setDataTypes

      protected void setDataTypes(IDbmsSupport dbmsSupport)
      change datatypes used for specific database vendor.
    • createQueryTexts

      protected void createQueryTexts(IDbmsSupport dbmsSupport) throws ConfigurationException
      createQueryTexts in class JdbcTableMessageBrowser<S extends Serializable>
    • initialize

      public void initialize(IDbmsSupport dbmsSupport) throws JdbcException, SQLException, SenderException
      Checks if table exists, and creates when necessary.
    • createStorage

      protected void createStorage(Connection conn, Statement stmt, IDbmsSupport dbmsSupport) throws JdbcException
      Acutaly creates storage. Can be overridden in descender classes
    • storeMessageInDatabase

      @Nonnull protected String storeMessageInDatabase(Connection conn, String messageId, String correlationId, Timestamp receivedDateTime, String comments, String label, S message) throws IOException, SQLException, JdbcException, SenderException
    • storeMessage

      @Nonnull public String storeMessage(String messageId, String correlationId, Date receivedDate, String comments, String label, S message) throws SenderException
      Description copied from interface: ITransactionalStorage
      Store the message, returns storageKey. The messageId should be unique.
      Specified by:
      storeMessage in interface ITransactionalStorage<S extends Serializable>
    • storeMessage

      @Nonnull public String storeMessage(@Nonnull Connection conn, @Nonnull String messageId, @Nonnull String correlationId, @Nonnull Date receivedDate, @Nullable String comments, @Nullable String label, @Nonnull S message) throws SenderException
      Stores a message in the database and retrieves the value of the primary key for the record just inserted.
      conn - the database connection
      messageId - the ID of the message
      correlationId - the correlation ID of the message
      receivedDate - the date when the message was received
      comments - additional comments for the message (optional)
      label - the label for the message (optional)
      message - the message object to be stored
      the value of the primary key for the inserted record
      SenderException - if there is an error storing the message
    • retrieveObject

      protected RawMessageWrapper<S> retrieveObject(String storageKey, ResultSet rs, int columnIndex) throws JdbcException
      retrieveObject in class JdbcTableMessageBrowser<S extends Serializable>
    • getMessage

      public RawMessageWrapper<S> getMessage(String storageKey) throws ListenerException
      Description copied from interface: ITransactionalStorage
      Retrieves and deletes the message.
      Specified by:
      getMessage in interface ITransactionalStorage<S extends Serializable>
    • getStorageRefKey

      protected String getStorageRefKey()
    • setSlotId

      public void setSlotId(String string)
      Set the slotId, an identifier to keep separate the messages inserted by different JdbcTransactionalStorage instances.
      This field is optional, unless the attribute onlyStoreWhenMessageIdUnique is set to true.
      Specified by:
      setSlotId in interface ITransactionalStorage<S extends Serializable>
      setSlotId in class JdbcMessageBrowser<S extends Serializable>
      string - The slotID value for this JdbcTransactionalStorage.
    • setType

      public void setType(String type)
      Description copied from interface: ITransactionalStorage
      Possible values are E (error store), M (message store), L (message log for Pipe) or A (message log for Receiver).
      Receiver will always set type to E for errorStorage and always set type to A for messageLog. SenderPipe will set type to L for messageLog (when type isn't specified).
      See MessageStoreSender for type M.
      Specified by:
      setType in interface ITransactionalStorage<S extends Serializable>
      setType in class JdbcMessageBrowser<S extends Serializable>
    • setSlotIdField

      public void setSlotIdField(String string)
      The name of the column slotids are stored in
      setSlotIdField in class JdbcMessageBrowser<S extends Serializable>
      Default value
    • setTypeField

      public void setTypeField(String typeField)
      The name of the column types are stored in
      setTypeField in class JdbcMessageBrowser<S extends Serializable>
      Default value
    • setHostField

      public void setHostField(String hostField)
      The name of the column that stores the hostname of the server
      setHostField in class JdbcMessageBrowser<S extends Serializable>
      Default value
    • setSequenceName

      public void setSequenceName(String string)
      The name of the sequence used to generate the primary key, for DBMSes that use sequences, like Oracle
      Default value
    • setCheckIfTableExists

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true, since="7.7.0") @ConfigurationWarning("Replaced with checkTable") public void setCheckIfTableExists(boolean b)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
    • setCheckTable

      public void setCheckTable(boolean b)
      If set to true, checks are performed if the table exists and is properly created
      Default value
    • setCreateTable

      @Deprecated(forRemoval=true, since="7.9.0") @ConfigurationWarning("if you want to create and maintain database tables, please enable Liquibase") public void setCreateTable(boolean b)
      Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
      If set to true, the table is created if it does not exist
      Default value
    • setMessageFieldType

      public void setMessageFieldType(String string)
      The type of the column message themselves are stored in
    • setKeyFieldType

      public void setKeyFieldType(String string)
      The type of the column that contains the primary key of the table
    • setDateFieldType

      public void setDateFieldType(String string)
      The type of the column the timestamps are stored in
    • setTextFieldType

      public void setTextFieldType(String string)
      The type of the columns messageId and correlationId, slotId and comments are stored in. N.B. (100) is appended for id's, (1000) is appended for comments.
    • setBlobsCompressed

      public void setBlobsCompressed(boolean b)
      If set to true, the messages are stored compressed
      Default value
    • setRetention

      public void setRetention(int retention)
      The time (in days) to keep the record in the database before making it eligible for deletion by a cleanup process. when set to -1, the record will live on forever
      Default value
    • setSchemaOwner4Check

      public void setSchemaOwner4Check(String string)
      Schema owner to be used to check the database
      Default value
      <current_schema> (only for oracle)
    • setStoreFullMessage

      public void setStoreFullMessage(boolean storeFullMessage)
      If set to true, the full message is stored with the log. Can be set to false to reduce table size, by avoiding to store the full message
      Default value
    • setOnlyStoreWhenMessageIdUnique

      public void setOnlyStoreWhenMessageIdUnique(boolean onlyStoreWhenMessageIdUnique)
      If set to true, the message is stored only if the MessageId is not present in the store yet.
      Default value
    • isCheckTable

      public boolean isCheckTable()
    • isCheckIndices

      public boolean isCheckIndices()
    • isCreateTable

      public boolean isCreateTable()
    • isBlobsCompressed

      public boolean isBlobsCompressed()
    • isStoreFullMessage

      public boolean isStoreFullMessage()
    • getRetention

      public int getRetention()
    • getSchemaOwner4Check

      public String getSchemaOwner4Check()
    • isOnlyStoreWhenMessageIdUnique

      public boolean isOnlyStoreWhenMessageIdUnique()
    • getKeyFieldType

      public String getKeyFieldType()
    • getDateFieldType

      public String getDateFieldType()
    • getMessageFieldType

      public String getMessageFieldType()
    • getTextFieldType

      public String getTextFieldType()
    • getSequenceName

      public String getSequenceName()
    • getTxManager

      public org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager getTxManager()
    • setTxManager

      public void setTxManager(org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager txManager)