Package org.frankframework.configuration
package org.frankframework.configuration
ClassDescriptionProgrammatic equivalent of
<aop:config proxy-target-class="true" />
.Validates if the file is present in the configuration (jar), and if the name and version properties are set correctlyException thrown byClassLoaderManager
when it fails to create anIConfigurationClassLoader
.Loads a ClassLoader on a per Configuration basis.Container ofAdapters
that belong together.Similar toApplicationContextAwareProcessor
sets theConfiguration
class on theConfigurationAware
beans.The configurationDigester reads the configuration.xml and the digester rules in XML format and factors a Configuration.Exception thrown by ConfigurationDigester and configure()-methods, signaling the configuration did not succeed.Functions to manipulate the configuration.If the source implementsNameAware
it uses that as prefix, else it will use the ClassName.Interface to be implemented when a class has one or more special default values (i.e. a default value of attribute X depends on the value of attribute Y).Make the hostname property available to the Ibis configuration and the Spring configuration.Main entry point for creating and starting Ibis instances from the configuration file.Implementation of IbisManager which does not use EJB for managing IBIS Adapters.Make a lower case variant of the property ( available to the Ibis configuration and the Spring configuration.Overwrite a property available to the Ibis configuration and the Spring configuration.Container for jobs that are scheduled for periodic execution.Implementation of Spring error handler that logs errors.Enumeration class for suppressing configuration warnings.