Class MessageStoreListener

All Implemented Interfaces:
FrankElement, HasApplicationContext, HasName, HasPhysicalDestination, IConfigurable, IHasProcessState<Serializable>, IListener<Serializable>, IPeekableListener<Serializable>, IProvidesMessageBrowsers<Serializable>, IPullingListener<Serializable>, IScopeProvider, IXAEnabled, NameAware, org.springframework.beans.factory.Aware, org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware, org.springframework.context.Lifecycle

public class MessageStoreListener extends JdbcTableListener<Serializable>
Read messages from the IBISSTORE database table previously stored by a MessageStoreSender.

Example configuration:

 		name="03 MessageStoreReceiver"
 			name="03 MessageStoreListener"
 			statusValueInProcess="I" />
If you have a MessageStoreListener, failed messages are automatically kept in database table IBISSTORE. Messages are also kept after successful processing. The state of a message is distinguished by the TYPE field, as follows:
  • M: The message is new. From a functional perspective, it is in the message store.
  • E: There was an error processing the message. From a functional perspective, it is in the error store.
  • A: The message was successfully processed. From a functional perspective, it is in the message log.
Another way to say this is that a MessageStoreListener acts as a message log and as an error store. If you have it, you do not need to add a JdbcErrorStorage or JdbcMessageLog within the same receiver.

See /IAF_util/IAF_DatabaseChangelog.xml for the structure of table IBISSTORE.
Jaco de Groot