Interface IManagable

All Superinterfaces:
org.springframework.context.ApplicationContextAware, org.springframework.beans.factory.Aware, IConfigurable, IConfigurationAware, INamedObject, IScopeProvider
All Known Implementing Classes:
Adapter, Receiver

public interface IManagable extends IConfigurable
Models starting and stopping of objects that support such behaviour.
Gerrit van Brakel
  • Method Details

    • getRunState

      RunState getRunState()
      returns the runstate of the object. Possible values are defined by RunState.
    • startRunning

      @JmxOperation(description="Start the Adapter") void startRunning()
      Instruct the object that implements IManagable to start working. The method does not wait for completion of the command; at return of this method, the object might be still in the STARTING-runstate
    • stopRunning

      @JmxOperation(description="Stop the Adapter") void stopRunning()
      Instruct the object that implements IManagable to stop working. The method does not wait for completion of the command; at return of this method, the object might be still in the STOPPING-runstate