Class SharedResourceFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SharedResourceFactory extends AbstractSpringPoweredDigesterFactory
Registers the newly created bean directly in Spring, which will manage it's Lifecycle.
  • Constructor Details

    • SharedResourceFactory

      public SharedResourceFactory()
  • Method Details

    • getSuggestedBeanName

      public String getSuggestedBeanName()
      Description copied from class: AbstractSpringPoweredDigesterFactory
      Suggest the name of the bean which should be retrieved from the Spring BeanFactory. If a className attribute has also been specified in the XML, then that takes precedence over finding a bean with given suggestedBeanName. If for the className multiple bean-definitions are found in the factory, then a bean is selected from those with this given suggestedBeanName. If no such bean exists, an error is thrown because the factory can not select between multiple beans.
      Specified by:
      getSuggestedBeanName in class AbstractSpringPoweredDigesterFactory
    • createBean

      protected Object createBean(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext context, Map<String,String> attrs) throws ClassNotFoundException
      Description copied from class: AbstractSpringPoweredDigesterFactory
      Create Object from Spring factory, but using the attributes from the XML converted to a Map. This is so that sub-classes can override this method and change attributes in the map before creating the object from the Spring factory.
      createBean in class AbstractSpringPoweredDigesterFactory